Over all it was a good auction. There were some very good prices paid for Harry Jackson Sculptures. The highest price of the group was for the Stampede sculpture at $105,300. There were records set at auction for: the Pony Express Painted $64,350; Two Champs $52,650; The Flag Bearer Painted $52,650; The Cowboy’s Meditation Painted $43,800.
The Harry Jackson market is strong and the auction shows that. He was an incredible artist and his sculptures are some of the finest ever created.
It was very nice to meet some of you who collect his sculptures and believe in the quality and power of his art. Thanks to the staff of the Coeur d’Alene Art Auction who put on a real good show.
Hey Matt,
I just wanted to thank you personally for those two bronzes I purchased from you through Sue Simpson. I am beyond thrilled to have them…” Gunsil” and ” Where the Trail Forks. ” These two pieces mean a great deal to me and it was a great experience for me to meet your father in summer of ’10. I won’t forget that…as I read about his life I can hardly believe it’s real….all that he experienced and accomplished. What a movie it would make! Thanks again..I hope to visit with you again at some point…..maybe next summer when I come through Cody again. In the meantime you are always welcome at my house or on an Alaskan adventure with me. Cheers, Mike Larsen