Title: Dog Soldier
Price: Please call
Size: 25h x 216w x 16.5d in inches
Medium: Patinaed bronze
Numbered Edition: 60
Artist Models: 4
Harry Jackson describes the Dog Soldier in his own words (and writing)
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“Dog Soldier” The most formidable light cavalry in modern history. Warriors of this Cheyenne military society rode headlong into the enemy lines, firing arrows faster than our U.S. Horse Soldiers could fire their single-action revolvers. They packed about twenty arrows, a lance 7 to 8 foot long, a war club and a large knife; and they gloried in their unfailing ability to make every one count. These feathered riders and their mounts, graceful as they were deadly, cut such a splendid figure as they raced into combat that even their sworn enemies spoke of the sight with open admiration.
Harry Jackson
May 1983