Ol’ Sabertooth
Title: Ol’ Sabertooth
Price: Please Call
Year: 1981
Numbered Edition: 250
Artist Models: 5
Size: 10 H x 7 W x 7 D in inches
Size with Base: 13.5 H x 7 W x 7 D in inches (released with a 3.5″H walnut two tier base)
The classic old salt cowboy. He has spent his life in the saddle, a rolled up cigarette in his mouth and a cowboy hat on his head, keeping the rain and sunshine off. Harry Jackson’s portrait of a cowboy is true to life and transports you out to the open range with Ol’ Sabertooth as your guide.
A cast of this sculpture was given as a gift to President Reagan by Harry Jackson in 1982. President Reagan had come to know Harry Jackson’s sculptures through his Secretary of Commerce Malcolm Baldridge. Secretary Baldridge was a collector and friend of Harry Jackson’s for many years and several Harry Jackson sculptures were in his office. President Reagan was so fascinated with the sculpture that Secretary Baldridge loaned him a cast of “Cowboy Meditation, Painted” and it sat in the Oval office for the rest of his time in office.

1982 Harry, Matthew and Jesse Jackson meeting President Reagan in the Oval Office. In the middle is “Cowboy Meditation, Painted” by Harry Jackson
A meeting with Harry Jackson was arranged at President Reagan’s request. When they met Harry gave him a dedicated casting of Ol’ Sabertooth. Just recently a collector visited the recreation of the oval office in the Regan Presidential Library and there sat the cast of Ol’ Sabertooth.
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